Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thoughts on Iqbal Day

Many rather most have a problem discussing Iqbal, his image is shrouded in respect to the extent of religious belief and people feel a moral obligation against criticizing Iqbal. Problem will be resolved, if you set your expectation level; instead of as a saint, accept him as a human, do not call him hakeemulummat or rehmat ulla eleh, and do not give him responsibility of creation of Pakistan, much of confusion will be gone. Read what his son has wrote about him, look at him without green glasses of respect where he becomes a saint and a mulla. He was not a mulla at all, remember Atiya Faizi if you have trouble accepting Iqbal as a human. There is a very conscious movement to portray Iqbal as a saint, an Islamic die hard rigid philosopher which he was not. He was educated in Europe and had a good understanding of contemporary philosophical thought, he was knighted by British (I think on Israr-e-Khudi) and carry on that title. Wasn't he influenced by Nietzsche? Check Nietzsche's übermenschlich and 'will to power'.
A human specially a poet is very sensitive to his/her surroundings and poetry depends on poet's mood and circumstances that is why poetry can not be regarded as much as a piece of philosophic writing. We made numerous mistakes in understanding Iqbal, for instances I read a remark yesterday that why he is called just Iqbal? he should be called Allama Iqbal. With that much respect you are ought to make a Khanqah of Iqbal and start qawwalis there, not much left for you to understand him as he was.
Problem is that most of us do not really have a sound knowledge of the days and time when he or his contemporaries lived, because that age was so much full of changes and so many ideologies and believes have so much on stack on those days, and so many conflicting views are found that it becomes hard for a mere student of history to understand what really is the truth.
That is prime reason of all confusions not only around Iqbal but around all of his contemporaries, whether it is Jinnah or Gandhi or Nehru or Bose or Sardar or Azad or any one else. And we have conflicting views on events as well. For instance Pakistan's official view on Gandhi is really pathetic so as that of India's on Jinnah. Can we call both of them as our leaders? try it, and you will learn the lessons of your life.

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